Submission for MiniJame50


The play in browser version may be extremely laggy. The game performs better on standalone (Windows or Linux version, available to download below)



A rhythm-based game in which you move your boat at the sound of the beat. Beware of the kraken and its attacks! It can flail you with its tentacles or send powerful waves your way. Try to stay alive as long as possible!


WMove upwards
AMove to the left
SMove downwards
Move to the right
ZMove to the bottom-left
XMove to the bottom-right

Hope you have some fun with this little game! :)



  • All sound/music-related collector: Patricia Lázaro
  • Programming: Patricia Lázaro & Alejandro Royo
  • Art: Alejandro Royo & Patricia Lázaro


Bermuda Beach.exe 53 MB
Bermuda Beach.x86_64 58 MB

Install instructions

Windows version

Download and launch the executable. Simple and easy.

Linux version

Download and launch the exectuable.

It is possible that your system doesn't recognize this file as an executable so may need to give it execute permissions. In order to do that you may access the file properties and search for Execute option under de Permissions tab. Make sure the flag 'Allow executing file as program' is enabled. Enjoy!

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